Mens Mental Health is worth talking about

In a recent poll around mens mental health,  77% of men have suffered with mental health issues (Source The Priory) such as anxiety, depression and PTSD. 

40% of men have never spoken to anyone about their mental health.

One of the reasons why we, as men, don’t speak about our mental health is the stigma that is still attached to us showing our emotions, how we feel, and our struggles. We can be stuck with the old school of thought and just think we can (or should ) man up and deal with it by ourselves, in solitude, out of sight.

Alarmingly, 40% of the men polled in the Priory survey said that it would actually take thoughts of harming or suicide before they would reach out to someone. 

Even more disturbing is the fact that three quarters of the registered suicides in Britain were men (2020). 

It truly makes me sad and uncomfortable to think that most men will not reach out when they have a problem that can be helped and treated. 

I have suffered with depression myself. It took me a long time to eventually decide to reach out but I (and my nearest and dearest) are so grateful that I sought out the support that I needed at the time.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help

As an award-winning Analytical Hypnotherapist based at our practice in Doncaster and Leeds, I help men, women, and teenagers daily by analysing the root cause and re-programming the subconscious mind to bring about change and improve daily life.  

Our brains have two halves, we have the conscious mind which controls such things as 

  • Willpower 
  • Short term memory 
  • Critical thinking 
  • Logical thinking 

 and our subconscious mind which controls our

  • Imagination 
  • Habits 
  • Beliefs 
  • Emotional values 
  • Protective reactions 
  • Long term memory 

 Given the above, everything that has happened since the day you were born is recorded in the subconscious mind – they way we think, the way we do and what we believe. 

Analytical hypnotherapy uses simple techniques while in a deeply relaxed state allowing us to bring about a positive subconscious change to bring about effective change to your life. 

It’s not an instant change but you do start to feel better from the very first session. By the time you have completed the 8 / 10 week course your subconscious mind is able to be reprogrammed to bring about an amazing transformation. 

Why not give it a go? You have nothing to loose only everything to gain!