Doncaster Hypnotherapy Clinic

Healing through understanding

David Carroll (DIP: HYP / NAHAH / RPHAH) 

Multi-award winning analytical hypnotherapist

Fully registered and insured

Based at my private practice at Lakeside in Doncaster.  Also available for sessions at the tranquil Kinetic Studios at  Morley, Leeds.


Treatments we offer

Hypnotherapy can help you overcome a wide range of problems. 

We successfully treat 

  • stress
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • confidence
  • eating disorders
  • relationship & sexual problems
  • phobias and fears
  • weight loss
  • smoking cessation
  • and much more

Taking the first step can be daunting – so we offer a free 30 minute chat to discuss your needs as well as how we can help you.

 Past Life Regression

Experience a Past Life Regression session where you will go on an amazing journey to discover the lives that you have lived before. 

Clients have travelled back as far as 200AD!!!

Every session is as individual as you are and specifically tailored to your requirements.

Doncaster Hypnotherapy Clinic

Trust Us To Be There To Help All and Make Things Well Again

David Carroll

About Analytical Hypnotherapy

Welcome to Doncaster Hypnotherapy Clinic. I am David Carroll, a seasoned Analytical  Hypnotherapist. My aim is to empower individuals to make positive changes in their lives through hypnotherapy. My specialities include stress & anxiety, confidence, depression, fears & phobias, sleep & insomnia, sports performance, weight loss, smoking cessation, and chronic illness/pain relief & Past Life Regression. If you’re seeking a solution-focused approach that can help you live your best life, you’re in the right place.

With over 1000 satisfied clients, I have successfully treated all manner of problems and enhanced clients quality of life through Analytical Hypnotherapy. My passion stems from my own personal journey with depression, which led me to discover the effectiveness of Holistic Analytical  Hypnotherapy in overcoming brain-related issues.

I hold an updated CRB certificate for working with vulnerable adults and children, I am insured by Protective and a member of the National Association of Holistic Analytical Hypnotherapists.

As a member of the Ali Campbell Hypnotherapy Academy. You can trust in my expertise to help guide you towards your goals.

Hypnoanalysis Dependent on the severity of the problem it usually takes between 4 to 8 sessions to successfully treat all psychological,  emotional, anxiety and nervous (neuroticism) symptoms, psychosomatic / psycho-genetic disorders and troublesome reoccurring physical ailments that show no signs of an identifiable organic cause.

Put simply: Hypnoanalysis finds the UNDERLYING or ROOT cause of clients presenting symptoms, usually produced from unresolved issues and emotions from our recent or distant past. Similar to updating the programme of a computer, we bring the unconscious mind (The Master Programme) into a present tense of understanding by self-realisation, disabling and rendering inactive the out-of-date data and its associated effects that are no-longer relevant or indeed needed in our lives today.

Essentially, Hypnoanalysis gives a complete “Emotional Clear-Out” – setting you free of old ideas and old feelings that may have been holding you back or causing you problems for years… also addressing present-day circumstances that contribute to the way you feel. 

“Hypnoanalysis / Hypnotherapy is the therapy of cause and effect; find the cause  and dissipate the effect” – J. A Laundon

Hypnoanalysis / Hypnotherapy is a course of treatment ‘EVERYONE’ should undergo as early in their adult life as possible to resolve active unconscious juvenile misconceptions that produce the devastating and debilitating symptoms we occupy each and everyday of our lives; offering you a life free from limiting thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Although many clients first require Hypnoanalysis to uncover and consequently resolve the underlying cause (s) of their presenting symptoms others will  respond  equally well to  one session treatments. For example, wanting to Stop Smoking, Fear of Flying, Needle and Dental Phobias, The Hypno-Gastric Band Procedure / Weight Loss Therapy, and many, many more problematic-conditions can all be successfully treated with just one session of Successful  Hypnotherapy: With symptoms, often, never returning. The philosophy of many therapies is to treat the symptom and if the symptom returns then simply treat it again. The main difference with Hypnoanalysis, when in comparison with most other therapies, is by removing the root cause (s) of the problem the symptoms have thereafter nothing to sustain their existence. A good analogy is to imagine a dandelion: Pull-up only its leaves and the plant will easily and quickly replenish; remove the roots and the plant is dead, never to return! 

Successful Hypnotherapy @Doncaster Hypnotherapy Clinic –  The skill of a good hypnotherapist is to decipher the difference between Past Repressed (ie ~ childhood trauma), and Present-day Circumstantial (ie ~ money worries, relationship problems, redundancy, etc), presenting symptoms.  An initial one hour ‘Assessment Consultation’ will provide information critical to the treatment methods thereafter administered. We pride ourselves on ALWAYS using the most advanced and innovative treatments available: Cost-effective without compromise. ‘This is our guarantee to you’


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